So much for my daily pace, but I hope you like #68.
And we're back! #67 is up now. I plan to keep a roughly daily pace still, but it might slow down at some point as some chapters require more planning and preparation than others.
After two solid months of working on this almost daily, I'm taking a break! It's not really a break, since I'm going to use the time to finish editing a different book, but I expect I'll be back on this horse within a couple weeks.
And that's #66!
Got #65 for you today.
It's time for #64!
Maybe I'm getting back on schedule? #63 is now yours to peruse.
Happy new year! Your gift: #61 and #62.
Two more: #59 and #60. Why do I keep doing two at a time? I don't know.
Another duo: #57 and #58 today.
Today is a threefer: #54, #55, and #56 all written and posted in the same day. I don't know how I managed it, to be honest.
Got #52 and #53 up today. I don't know how I got into this pattern of skipping days and then doing two in one day, but here we are.
Posted #50 and #51 today. Happy reading!
Got #49 for you today!
Was really on the fence about writing today, but I managed. #48 is what you get for it. Enjoy!
Went a little off the rails with #47, but try to enjoy it anyway.
It's time for #46!
You can have #45, if you really want it. It's right over there. It's weird.
It's time for #44. This is funny because it's about time travel.
Entry #43 is up now!
I got #41 up a bit late. And here's #42, too! I wouldn't call it a bonus since technically I just caught up.
Is it time for #40? It is! Maybe I'll do something to celebrate getting to 50, or 100. We'll see.
And now it's time for #39.
Entry #38 is up! Enjoy.
Entry #37 is up.
Entry #36 is up. What's that? Something weird again? Sorry. (Not sorry.)
Entry #35 is up, and it may be the single most arch thing I've ever written.
Entry #34 is up!
Entry #33 is up and I deeply apologize to anyone who has to read it.
Entry #32 is up now. What's this? Something different again? Yes. Expect it!
Time for #31!
Something very different for #30. Good luck.
Entry #29 is up! Hard to believe I've been at this for almost a month already.
Go read #28 or something?
Entry #27 is up. Enjoy!
Serious change of pace for #26. This is the first entry with a content warning, so please be advised.
Had a lot of fun writing #25.
Entry #24 is up! Another change of pace here...
Entry #23 is up, better late than never. Technically, it's not late, but it's almost 11pm for me, which is later than I like to be!
Finished up entry #21 and now #22 is up! I plan to continue writing through the holiday weekend.
Entry #21 is up, albeit incomplete. Will finish that tomorrow plus a new entry.
Entry #20 is up. What's this about a memory, anyway?
Entry #19 is up. Lore, lore, and more lore...
Entry #18 is up. This might be the strangest thing I've ever put in a book.
Entry #17 is up. A short one today, but a different form.
Entry #16 is up!
Entry #15 is up! You get quite a bit more background, here.
Entry #14 is up! This is a fun one, at least to me.
Entry #13 is up! A bit more Koraxian lore for you.
Entry #12 is up! I didn't get to the RSS thing this weekend, but it's still on my radar. Hopefully sometime this month...
Entry #11 is up! This one should start filling in some blanks if you've been following along. :)
Entry #10 is up! Planning to get around to an RSS feed this weekend.
There's a fun surprise in today's entry. Hope you can figure it out. :)
Entry #8 is up. This is a weird one. I promise it relates to the rest, though! Eventually.
Entry #7 is up! These updates are getting repetitive. I plan to add an RSS feed next. There's a lengthy list of future features that I might put on another page, but I hate to promise things I don't end up delivering, so I'll stick with the RSS promise for now.
Entry #6 is up!
Entry #5 is up!
Mobile support has been added! Entry #4 is also up!
Entry #3 is up. Still working on site features. Your patience is appreciated.
No new features to note just yet, though responsive mobile support is forthcoming next. A second entry is up, too. Happy reading!
We're just getting started.
Please note: this site is a constant work in progress. Mobile support, RSS feeds, and the like are forthcoming.